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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 15

Today I did very little. I had office work to do so I sat in front of my computer most of the day. I hate those days because I always feel so tired and drained I don't feel like working out. I barley ate today so thats another down side to the desk work. Its 3:30 PM and I hope to squeeze in a small workout before I relax for the night. Im so ready for tomorrow ha ha its my off day and the hubby is home :) We have some grocery shopping to do. I noticed now that I am eating better I can think of a million healthy dinner ideas but Im still struggling with lunch. Sparkpeople has been a great help for that! I have my own little cookbook where I store all the recipes. Each book I titled breakfast, lunch and dinner. Im still learning but its getting much easier! Snacks are easy for me. I LOVE the fit and active snacks you can get from ALDI food store. Im not a huge fan of their soups though. Very bland and I can't stand bland foods. I think todays work out will be walking. Easy to do and it wont put a lot of pressure on my body. I have a backache from sitting in the chair all day and very little motivation. However blogging about it has made me feel like I have to. I don't want to let myself down again this week. So here is to eating right and finding the motivation to workout after working all day!

1 comment:

  1. YOU GO Girl!! You are doing awesome! You should be proud of yourself. Great Weigh-in and I'm so glad you're not giving up on yourself. It's nice to know that we're not alone in this journey. And it's a huge inspiration to see others succeed and motivated.

    To reply to your comment on my blog. I think you're absolutely right. It seems like I've hit a plateau, which is a bummer but, oh well. It's just another phase/ challenge to overcome!

    Keep up the good work! You're doing fantastic and I'd love to some of your healthy meal ideas.

    PS: I just noticed that your blog's title is almost the same as my blog's address lol... we must think alike =) And thanks for mentioning me ;)
