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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 23

I have to say today was not a good day at all. I stayed within my calorie limit and walked for about two hours shopping but emotionally its been one stressful day. Usually when Im stressed I eat and eat. Its been hard not to just grab some junk food and chow down. The only reason I haven't is because I have done so good! I have lost so much weight I feel it in my clothes and energy level. I can't let one stressful day mess me up for the week. I spent most of my day running around so no food pictures. For breakfast I had an activa light yogurt, one egg and a tomato, lunch I had leftover chicken and rice with some veggies and snack was the cinna-swirls I love :) Dinner Im not sure what we are eating yet but I can have a nice size meal and not feel guilty. I might just go ahead and eat a fit and active meal. I really hope tomorrow is better then today. Its my off day too so no cardio for me. Taking it easy until Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great Sasha! I had a few emotional days myself but did the opposite of you and ate a bunch of crap. Now im regretting it :( Good for you for sticking to it even through the tough days!!!
