After my last post I found a good routine. I now have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and then dinner. My calorie intake has gone up but Im still losing weight :) Im down to 126.4 which is amazing and I've lost an inch in my stomach love handle area! I haven't been working out just running after a toddler and being a wife. My days are spent on my feet for the most part. Other days however I do have time on my hand so I try and do something. The workouts are getting boring so Im trying to find other options for myself. My breakfast most mornings are still eggs with a fruit but a few days ago I decided to try some veggies!
Ignore the date I finally fixed that ha ha. Anyway I enjoy having asparagus for breakfast! Im also loving salads and now the weather is cooling down soups! They're filling but can be super healthy too! Canned I always go for low sodium and low calorie. I prefer homemade so Im going to try and freeze some and see how that goes.
Recently I tried the morning star burgers. I wasn't the biggest fan. They tasted very bland to me and Im the type of person who loves flavor. I wont be buying these again but I do plan on trying other products by this brand in the future!